“How will I know if my child is progressing as she should?” “Will he be ready for kindergarten?” “Is there something we should be working on with our child to encourage her growth where she already shows natural talent?” “How do I make sure my child develops a real love for learning?”
These are valid questions, asked every day by good parents.
The easiest way to think about your child’s development is to consider the simple idea of a vacation. For a vacation to run smoothly, you only need to know two things: where you are and where you’re going. From there, you create a map that gets you from here to there. Your child’s development will take a similar course.
We’ve combined our three and a half decades of experience working with children and families along with the best research in development to create the Ready For Life Assessment™ (RFL).
The RFL Developmental Assessment™ identifies where children are now and their achievement benchmarks along the way. It keeps children, teachers and parents on the same track toward established goals.
Developed using input from elementary school teachers and principals, the latest in brain development science, carefully documented child development research and the Alabama’s Early Learning Guidelines, our proprietary RFL Developmental Assessment™ provides peace of mind for parents and teachers as children grow. This tool is used for children beginning at 6 weeks old and continues through advanced 4K.
Developmental milestones are age specific and designed to help children develop a genuine love for learning that will last far beyond kindergarten. When opportunities for improvement are identified, teachers and parents can collaborate to develop a plan that helps the child get where he’s going with few or no surprises along the way.