There are no words to describe how thankful we are

As most new parents know, leaving your child with someone is one of the most difficult tasks imaginable. Although I am an elementary teacher and take care of twenty-plus students every day, I was quite leery about leaving my baby in the hands of someone else. However, Charlotte’s first teacher took away that fear during her first week at the School for Amazing Kids, Weatherly. Two years later, I can’t imagine leaving her anywhere else! The School for Amazing Kids, Weatherly teachers make every effort to take care of my daughter as if she were their own. Each teacher Charlotte has had thus far holds a very special place in our hearts. There are no words to describe how thankful we are to all the people who take care of her physical, academic and emotional needs! Charlotte constantly comes home singing a new song she has learned, more numbers she can count to or talks about new topics that have been discussed at school. We contribute all of this to her teachers at the School for Amazing Kids, Weatherly!