It is great to have a trusted place for your kids!

After recently moving to Pelham, AL. we went looking for a great daycare for our one year old and three year old. There last daycare was good but we felt like it was missing structure and educational activities, although there were some great teachers. We visited School for Amazing Kids, Helena and Pelham, both of which are owned and run by the same people. Both of the schools were very good but we liked the atmosphere at Helena a little better. It had also come recommended by some trusted friends in the area. We couldn’t be happier the teachers and staff are great! Both of our kids are really enjoying it and our three year old tells about all the things her learns and does. What we like is that there is structure with lots of enriching activities! What’s better is the kids like what they are doing because the teachers work hard to make it fun and educational for them. The curriculum that they use is designed to help prepare them for Pre-K and Kindergarten. From what we have heard the schools near here find the kids from Helena are very well prepared. It is great to have a trusted place for your kids!