November 17, 2022
All Day
We loveSchool for Amazing Kids, Helena! The teachers and directors are extremely observant with the children. My 2-year old’s teacher would point out any little bump or scratch as soon as I walked in the door to pick him up. He’s a rough, tough boy so I would expect these minor scrapes but not one mark was unnoticed by his teacher. As particular as my child is, he loves every teacher he’s had. I can tell by the way he lets go of me when I drop him off and runs to his teachers. We are so pleased that each staff member pays such close attention to him and keeps us informed.
School for Amazing Kids
Our Locations:
School for Amazing Kids, Calera
School for Amazing Kids, Dearing Downs
School for Amazing Kids, Helena
School for Amazing Kids, Weatherly
We care for people, investing our lives into theirs for a return that pleases God.
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Amazing Kids Management Group, Inc.
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