May 7, 2024
All Day
Tina, Dana, and Staff,
Today is my family’s last day at School for Amazing Kids, Helena. I am so grateful for all of the love that Jake and Bailey received here at this little school. I am going to miss you all so much, after all these years here you have become our family. I want you to know that I never worried about my kids while they were here, I always knew that they would be taken care of. I never worried about them falling behind, acting a fool, or being a bad friend because I knew someone would let me know. My babies have grown up here, they are both school age now (that seems soooo crazy) we will never forget all the love that we felt here at School for Amazing Kids, Helena. Both Jake and Bailey loved parents night out, they got to see different teachers and old friends, both of my kids loved water days in the summer, and both of my kids loved getting gummy bears at the end of a good day. I have handmade Christmas ornaments, handprints, and poems to keep as preschool souvenirs but more than that, I have precious memories of their first friends, their first accomplishments, and their first graduation. Thanks just doesn’t seem like enough, but like all families that’s really all we want is to feel appreciated. I know that I didn’t say it enough, but thank you, I would not have wanted to take this journey with anyone else but you. We will always love our School for Amazing Kids, Helena friends, and consider it our honor to have been a part of your family.
Much Love and Gratitude
School for Amazing Kids
Our Locations:
School for Amazing Kids, Calera
School for Amazing Kids, Dearing Downs
School for Amazing Kids, Helena
School for Amazing Kids, Weatherly
We care for people, investing our lives into theirs for a return that pleases God.
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Amazing Kids Management Group, Inc.
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