March 8, 2024
All Day
There is so much that I am thankful for about SFAK, Helena. My daughter is 5 years old and my son is 2 years old, and SFAK has been the only school they have ever attended. I have never felt the need to search for better care or education elsewhere. The teachers and staff at SFAK are wonderful! As a first time parent, I dreaded leaving my baby with complete strangers while I was at work all day. When I had my second child, I did not have an ounce of worry. One of the things that I love the most about SFAK, Helena is the the turn over rate is so low, that the same teachers that have taught my daughter are now teaching my son, and my kids LOVE their teachers. I never have a problem with my children not wanting to go to their class in the morning when I drop them off. My daughter will start Kindergarten next year and I am totally confident that SFAK has prepared her for “big kid school.” Each age group of kids is taught exactly they need to know before it is time for them to move up. It is really easy to follow your child’s development as well. They send home assessments regularly and each class has its own way of letting you know what kind of day your child has had. My kids are stimulated daily and get plenty of exercise.The school also has extra fun activities for the kids any chance they get (In school field trips for Pre-K, water play and Kona ice during the summer, pictures with Santa, their very own fall festival, In Tune Music Appreciation, Happy feet soccer, holiday class parties, and much more.)
School for Amazing Kids
Our Locations:
School for Amazing Kids, Calera
School for Amazing Kids, Dearing Downs
School for Amazing Kids, Helena
School for Amazing Kids, Weatherly
We care for people, investing our lives into theirs for a return that pleases God.
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Amazing Kids Management Group, Inc.
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