Very satisfied with our experience and the care of our children…
One of the most important things we have discovered regarding sending our children to daycare, is management of the center. I find the caregivers to be of utmost importance, however the directors of the facility ensure the quality and management of the staff and thus their diligence is paramount. We feel that the facility directors at School for Amazing Kids, Calera are very cognizant of the importance of this, as the majority of the teachers my children have been exposed to have been wonderful; yet we did have a couple of less ideal experiences. In these cases, I took my concerns to the directors, and they were quick to react and address the issues. I feel this is crucial to the safety and well-being of the children, and feel that my concerns and opinions are always considered. This relationship of trust with the management at School for Amazing Kids, Calera has kept us loyal to the center and very satisfied with our experience and the care of our children.
— A School for Amazing Kids, Calera Parent