December 20, 2016
12:00 am
Joseph and I just wanted to say, “thank you” for the help you provide our children. They all have a need to be loved by special people and that’s why we chose the School for Amazing Kids, Weatherly. Thank you!
We never wonder about the quality of care and nurture that they’re receiving when we leave them in your care. At home, we provide a loving environment and somehow the teachers at the School for Amazing Kids, Weatherly are able to seamlessly continue it. I feel peace within my heart each time I place them in the care of your staff. Beyond knowing your staff on a professional level, I also know many of them on a personal level. I would not trust my precious angels to anyone else but Madeleine, Amanda and your staff!
School for Amazing Kids
Our Locations:
School for Amazing Kids, Calera
School for Amazing Kids, Dearing Downs
School for Amazing Kids, Helena
School for Amazing Kids, Weatherly
We care for people, investing our lives into theirs for a return that pleases God.
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Amazing Kids Management Group, Inc.
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